






Surf the tide of user experience wisdom with our wave-inspired digital class!

Surf the tide of user experience wisdom with our wave-inspired digital class!

Wave Mastery

Discover expert facilitation strategies for addressing complex design obstacles!

Sand Between Toes

Discover how to create a laid-back, inclusive environment for maximum creativity!

Board Selection

Master the art of curating the perfect set of design tools for your UX projects!

Surf Buddies

Connect with a global network of UX designers embracing the surf lifestyle!

Paradise Found

Experience the perfect blend of learning and relaxation in our course environment!


Unleash your inner surf facilitator and revolutionize your design process!

Enroll Now

Enroll Now

Enroll Now

Don't miss out on this tubular opportunity to become a facilitation guru and make waves in your UX design career!

Don't miss out on this tubular opportunity to become a facilitation guru and make waves in your UX design career!

Catch the Wave

You've Got Questions?

You've Got Questions?

What’s the course duration?

Our surf-inspired course runs for 6 weeks of pure gnarlyness, so grab your board and hop in!

Is prior experience required?

No way, dude! This course is perfect for both beginners and experienced facilitators looking to up their game!

What's the cost?

We offer two radical pricing plans to suit all budgets and help you hang loose!





Full Access

Community Chats

Exclusive Webinars

Surf Stickers





Priority Support

1-on-1 Mentorship

Small Group Sessions

Limited Edition Swag

Surfilitators Inc. © 2023 All Rights Reserved

Generated on October 31, 2023